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As I mazed around to the darkened area of the patio, I found I was too late. Another guy from the bar was quietly walking toward her. I knew instantly I wanted to watch her get fucked. I paused and found a place to watch. She was bent over at the waist, rubbing her clit. She had her skirt pulled up and was ready to go. Her heels had her ass at the perfect height to enter.With her back towards the guy, she suspected nothing expecting me. He laid a hand on her ass and used the other to guide his cock inside her. She gasped, "Damn! You feel huge." She hadn't quite realized what was going on. Instantly he started drilling her. He wasted no time. No love and attention here. This guy was there to fuck, and fuck he did. She quickly became aware this cock was longer and wider than I while she started grunting and cursing. She was swearing when she turned her head to see it wasn't me. She gasped and said "who are you?" He said "don't worry about me OR him". She was grunting. I didn't mind, I like a show as much as the next guy. Her body was tight, the way a dancer's should be. No surprises there, of course, I'd seen it all at the strip joint and she hadn't had all that much of it covered up tonight. Those big firm tits were real, unusual for a stripper. They were plenty big enough, and hadn't started to droop, so I guess she hadn't needed the boob job yet.I stepped over to her, nuzzled my face between those nice tits, and slid my hand between her legs, letting one finger slip into her pussy. She wasn't used to this from a john."Why don't we just get on with it." I couldn't tell if she was annoyed or just surprised."Hey, I'm paying good money for this. Besides, there's no law that says you can't enjoy it even if you get paid for it." Mainly I wanted her to be good and wet when I slipped it to her. I knew good and well that if she enjoyed herself it would be because she was making lots of money. When I felt her juices starting to flow in her.
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